Tacoma Tool Treasure Trove Address: 1514 S 50th St Tacoma, WA 98408

About The Auction: This collector has amassed hundred of tools and unique items. From filling the MULTIPLE workshops with high really nice tools and the home with unique pieces this auction has 238 lots of EVERYTHING! Please see entire auction lots!

Tools, Tools, Tools: Cement Mixer, 110lb Anvil, Radial Arm Saw, Drill Presses, Multiple Grinders/Buffers, Craftsman Shredder/Vac, Band Saw, Agri-Fab Lawn Sweeper, Band Saw, Rolling Tool Chest, Lathe, Drywall Panel Hoist, Oil Extractor, Arc Welder, Pneumatic Tools, Hand Tools, Sanders, and More. The tools are all throughout the auction so please ensure you check out all lots!

Please Note: All tools have been individually tested and you will see "TESTED" stickers in some pictures. The tools that have not been tested are the air tools. All of the tools were kept in the garage/workshop areas covered and stored properly. 

Ladders & Automotive Tools: Jacks and tons of automotive tools are also available in this auction! 

Unique Items: Gorgeous Art, Vintage Items, Marble Chessboard, Jewelry Armoire, Vintage Regency Mahogany Stand, Pride Lift Chair, Freeman McFarlin Giraffes, Area Rug, Tribal Mask, Vintage Trio Lamps, Boho Rattan Swivel Counter Chairs, Levenger Reading Tables.

Books: Vintage books are sitting on the shelf ready to go to their new home! From vintage Time-Life Complete Sets to Vintage How-To Hunting and Fishing Books. All books are in immaculate condition and have been sitting on the bookshelf displayed properly!

Decor/Crafting: There are plenty of items to see in this auction for the home and crafting rooms! From a glorious vintage statement piece (Lot#185), to smaller vintage decor lots they are scattered throughout the auction! 

Vinyl: Oh Ya! There is Vinyl! (Lot 111-116)

Outdoor Tools/Gardening Decor: Lawnmowers and Ceramic Pots are all available to help improve the yard for Spring/Summer of 2024!

Start Date/Time: 2024-04-26 11:15:00

End Date/Time: 2024-05-02 18:30:00

PickUp Date/Time: In person pickups will be Saturday & Sunday May 4th & 5th from 10AM-2PM in Tacoma 98408 I will post the address the morning of Saturday May4th in Sign-Up Genius and on odysseyestatesales.com Please reach out to Craig at 951-532-8550 for any questions!

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